Gary James' Interview With Travel Agent To The Stars
Carol Dunn

As President and owner of Hoffman Travel Services Inc., Carol Dunn has earned the title of Travel Agent To The Stars. Her clients include Barbra Streisand, Tony Orlando, Bette Midler, Styx, The Bee Gees and numerous independent production firms and major corporations. With three principal offices in the U.S., New York, Miami, and Los Angeles employing some seventy people, Carol Dunn is one busy executive. Last year (1981), Carol's agency organized the travel arrangements for the Inaugural Ball of President Reagan.
Q - Carol, what was the competition like when you started?
A - Any other travel agency did the same things we did, only we offered more services.
Q - What do you do for independent production firms?
A - We handle all their equipment, all of their talent. We give them airport service, make sure all of their talent is met at curbside and put on the plane and delivered wherever they have to be, along with their equipment. For Love Boat, one of our clients, we actually travel with them on cases and make sure everything is co-ordinated.
Q - Did the Air Traffic Controllers strike make you job more difficult?
A - It's made it more difficult for clients and passengers, but because we have airport service people at the airport we're able to tell our clients about the delay ahead of all other people.
Q - Has there been a slump in Rock tours?
A - Since we have film and Rock business we're not hurt by it. Styx seem to be doing very well. Other tours we've done have been smaller and budgeting down, not spending as much money as they usually do.
Q - Did The Bee Gees contact you about their travel plans?
A - Our contract wasn't with the Gibbs themselves, but with the RSO organization and Concerts West.
Q - How much planning goes into something like that?
A - A tremendous amount of planning. You have to work with the booking agents, the venue, the booker, the promoter. A lot of planning to find the hotels that are near the venue, looking around for restaurants that the crew and talent can eat at. A tremendous amount of itinerary typing. A lot of work.
Q - Do any of your clients make what we would consider outrageous demands?
A - Not outrageous. Usually things that can be done since they have to be on the road. Special diets for those who are vegetarians, special drinking requests for those who prefer certain beverages, sleeping accommodations for children. We don't think that's outrageous because we know it's more inconvenient to live on the road. We've got some of the nicest people in the world who use us.
Q - What do you charge for your travel services?
A - We charge nothing extra to our client. We make our commissions on the airline tickets we sell and the hotel rooms we book. We only charge for extra services if the services are out of pocket expenses only.
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