Gary James' Interview With Elvis Conspiracy Author
Gail Brewer Giorgio

Elvis Presley - Dead or a Lie? It's the story that won't go away. Did Elvis Presley fake his own death? Many people think so, including Gail Brewer Giorgio. Gail is the author of the best-selling book Is Elvis Alive? and the newly released follow-up to that book, The Elvis Files.
The Elvis Files contains some startling revelations concerning the continuing mystery that surrounds the death of Elvis, and we asked Gail about some of those items.
Q - Is it true that when Elvis was brought into the hospital on August 16th, 1977, a nurse looked at him and said, "That's not Elvis Presley". Who is this nurse?
A - She has made me promise not to publicize her name for fear of losing her job. I have a letter from her. A code 5 was called and she signed a government paper swearing not to reveal what went on.
Q - You relate a story in your book that Gloria Estefan received a phone call from someone who identified themselves as Elvis Presley when she was in the hospital, recovering from her accident. That number would've been private and hard to get, wouldn't it?
A - I agree. I believe at first she thought it was Elvis Presley, but others talked her out of it.
Q - Along with The Elvis Files, you include a tape of a phone conversation you had with someone identifying themselves as Elvis back in October 1988. Have you heard anything since then?
A - I received a strange call on my answering machine, January 5th, 1991.
Q - You state that Maria Columbus, President of the Elvis Special Fan Club, has long stated publicly and via her news letter that she is ninety-nine per cent certain Elvis is alive. Yet, you don't go on to document why she believes that. What evidence does Maria Columbus have that would lead her to such a conclusion?
A - The picture of Elvis in the coffin. The fact that Vernon (Presley - Elvis' father) asked her not to attend the funeral. The misspelled name on Elvis' grave. Contradictions of who found the body.
Q - You include a letter in The Elvis Files from a Sterling Heights, Michigan man, who claims to have seen and spoken to Elvis in a mall, there. How did this man know it was the Elvis? And his reaction was rather strange. He talked to Elvis about music! Did he see how Elvis was?
A - He wrote me and I printed his story as is. Most of these folks are middle of the road Americans, and are not super sleuths and are usually rattled. Like most of us, it may be a case of 'I wish I had done such and such, said this and such, had a camera with me...' Who knows what and how'd we act in a similar situation? You, no doubt would have done differently. I can only report what happened, not particularly what they should have done or said.
Q - What has to be the bombshell in your book is a letter you received from a woman who saw Elvis at a Port St. Lucie baseball game. She then calls the Port St. Lucie Police Department and they confirm it, saying yes, that was Elvis. Did you ever call that Police Dept. to ask about this story?
A - Yes, and a look-a-like came. Some wonder if it was a look-a-like. Again, all I do is report some interesting happenings.
Q - The book The Death of Elvis, What Really Happened by Charles Thompson and James P. Cole, they relate a story that on August 16th, 1977,
David Stanley (Elvis' step brother), was driving out of Graceland and appeared to be in a hurry because he was trying to smuggle out a friend who shouldn't have been there. Any idea who that friend might have been?
A - I don't think the friend is significant. However, Thompson's book also shows a cover up and contradictions. For instance, Joe Esposito's testimony that the body was first in the bathroom, then the bedroom, plus nobody recognizes Elvis.
Q - And Ginger Alden, according to this book, (Ginger was Elvis' girlfriend) "began to shift the finger of suspicion to others close to Elvis and hint darkly that they might be guilty of some foul play resulting in his death." What do you make of that?
A - She also stated that body was discovered much earlier. She too, contradicts her own testimony.
Q - And the authors of this same book have Ginger, according to one report, calling The National Enquirer trying to sell her story, while Elvis lay dead or dying in the bathroom. It seems so bizarre.
A - Yes, everything is so bizarre, which only adds to the confusion.
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