Gary James' Interview With
Graham Nash

Graham Nash has enjoyed a long and varied career. As an original member of The Hollies, Graham Nash first visited the U.S. with the second British Invasion in the mid-sixties. And of course, it's been Crosby, Stills, and Nash (and sometimes Young) that have led to Graham Nash's legendary status in the world of music. Graham is once again working with David Crosby, as a duo, in select dates around the country. (1991)
Q - Graham, I thought you had given up the road to host your own t.v. talk show. What happened with that show?
A - I don't believe that the ratings were good enough to support them picking it back up. And, it's a shame, because I quite liked them. I thought it was an interesting program. Some good information came out.
Q - Crosby, Stills and Nash recently performed at a huge, outdoor show in memory of (promoter) Bill Graham. His death really was a major blow to the rock world, yet I notice his death didn't make page one on the East Coast. Why do you suppose that is?
A - I think he was much more well known and much more loved on the West Coast. I just think that's it basically. Some people have geographic fame. Although Bill was known in rock'n'roll circles worldwide, maybe in the press business he wasn't so well known on the East Coast. It was a wonderful day though.
Q - Why did you and David decide to go out on the road at this time?
A - Because we like to keep our musical muscles in tone, you know? We haven't really played much of anything since our '90 tour, and we took this summer off. So, we were just a little anxious. We've got some new songs we wanted to come and play for people. It's that simple really.
Q - So that is where your motivation comes from to go out once again and tour?
A - It's basically to keep our eye in and to play a couple of new songs that we have. As artists, the first thing we want to do when we write a new song is play it for somebody else.
Q - When did you realize you had the ability to write songs?
A - Probably when I was about 19.
Q - And that came easy for you?
A - You know, I can't remember it being easy or hard. I guess it was something I had in me and it just came out. I don't think it was hard at all. I guess I just do it naturally.
Q - One writer has described you as "Superstar Graham Nash." What does that mean to you?
A - Nothing to me.
Q - Are you happy or unhappy with that term?
A - It's very flattering of course, but I'm just tryin' to do whatever it is that gets me off and makes other people feel good. And that's one of the things we've been able to do with our music all these times. It's not been important basically who we are as people or our fights or quarrels. The only thing that is important is the music because that's the only thing that's gonna be left when we're dead and gone. So, we've always tried to keep our eye on the fact that the music is the most important thing. All these handles and names and things that people call you are just their perception of it. I don't feel like a superstar at all.
Q - Last year (1990), you lost your agent, Bobby Brooks in that helicopter crash that also claimed the life of Stevie Ray Vaughn.
A - He was one of the greatest agents that ever lived, even at such an early age.
Q - Why was he so great?
A - I think Bobby Brooks was great because he understood people. I think he understood how to talk to people on any level, be they the Frank Sinatras of this life or the doorman. Bobby Brooks was able to make you feel as though you were alive and important. I think that's one of the great secrets of his success.
Q - What does losing someone like that, do to your career?
A - As in every vacuum, once people have gotten over the initial shock of the death of somebody like Bobby Brooks or like Bill Graham, the vacuum will be filled eventually by people whose vision agrees with what they wanted to do with their lives.
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