Gary James' Interview With Randy "O" Of

Odin had only been together one year (in 1985) when this interview was conducted. But in that year they opened for Armored Saint, Wendy O. Williams, W.A.S.P. and Heaven. They self-produced their first, three song E.P. called "Caution" and were working on their debut album "Don't Take No For An Answer" for Half Wet Records.
Odin's lead vocalist Randy "O" did the talking.
Q - Your guitarist, Jeff Duncan, has stated that Odin's goal is mainly for people to accept Odin as something new. What is new about, say your image for example?
A - We don't have that hard core look. We're more of a sexual type trip. We're dressed a lot more into colors. We don't have that heavy edge that's like the rivet heads and the just total head bangers. We don't try to be macho and tough. We try to look cool. We just try to look colorful. We're not trying to portray a heavy, tough guy image. We want to appeal to both guys and girls.
Q - You say that groups like Ratt, Great White and Quiet Riot all have that L.A. sound. Having seen all those groups in concert, I can tell you they sound nothing alike. So what are you talking about here? I hope a comment like that is not to be interpreted as a put down or a sign of jealousy.
A - Not at all. No jealousy or put down at all. Ratt is obviously very successful. As far as I'm concerned, music is like a heartbeat. Your heart beats and music hits your heart and body at a certain tempo. If it's too fast it's gonna hit your body wrong. If it's too slow, it's gonna hit your body wrong. But if it hits right with that heartbeat, which those guys pretty much have done, they're right in there. It hits you good.
Q - Odin is supposedly one of the largest drawing, local bands on the L.A. club circuit. That being the case, why did you sign with Half Wet Records? Why not a major label?
A - At the time, there was no major interest and we wanted to get the product out. It seemed like the best thing we could do and I still feel that way.
Q - Since clubs are notorious for not paying well, how then can you guys make a living playing the club circuit?
A - We have a lot of people who believe in us right now. We have financial backing. We do make good money when we play the clubs. We don't want to play the clubs. We don't want to play the L.A. club scene too much. We make anywhere from $1,500 to $2,000 a show. As far as a living, we're supported by an investor, a person who believes in us and it's through our management company, which is a talent developing agency at the same time.
Q - You've worked with vocal coach Elizabeth Sabine. Who else has she worked with?
A - Ron Keel. Cher's daughter. A lot of celebrities.
Q - Other guys in the group have stated "Since when does religion have anything to do with Rock 'n' Roll? If you want to hear about God, go to church. If you want to hear about The Devil, go to Satanic Mass. If you want to hear Rock 'n' Roll, go to a concert hall." How then would you explain the success of the Christian group Stryper?
A - That's their trip. That's what they believe in. That's great. I have nothing against them. They're a good band. I think what they're doing is great and they do good music.
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